What Is A 401(k)? How Does It Work? (2024)

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Commonly offered as part of a job benefits package, employees may save a portion of their salary in a 401(k) account, subject to annual limitations. Employers often match a portion of their employees’ contributions.

This powerful defined contribution plan can help you save and invest for retirement. You decide how much to contribute to your account and which investments to choose. The unintuitive name comes from the section of the Internal Revenue Code that governs the plans.

What Is a 401(k)?

A 401(k) provides you with a tax break when you save a portion of your salary for retirement. When you sign up for your employer’s 401(k) plan, you agree to have a percentage of each paycheck directly deposited into your own personal 401(k) account. Your employer may also deposit money into your account by matching some or all of your contributions.

You can choose different investments with the money saved in your 401(k) account, typically mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. There are significant differences between the investment options available from different 401(k) plans, with some offering expansive menus of funds and others a short list of options. Either way, your investments enjoy tax-sheltered growth, protecting you from income taxes and capital gains taxes.

There are two types of account available: a traditional 401(k) and a Roth 401(k). The difference comes down to when you pay taxes on your contributions.

What Is a Traditional 401(k)?

Contributions to a traditional 401(k) plan are taken out of your paycheck before income taxes are calculated. This means that contributions help lower your taxable income immediately.

The contributions are invested in mutual funds and other investments, and grow in value over time. When you take money out of your traditional 401(k) in retirement, you pay ordinary income tax on the withdrawals.

What Is a Roth 401(k)?

With a Roth 401(k), contributions are made after you pay income taxes. There’s no upfront tax break, but like a Roth IRA you pay no taxes on qualified distributions, such as those made after the age of 59 ½—assuming your first contribution was made five years prior.

Choosing a Roth 401(k) can make sense if you believe you will be in a higher tax bracket when you retire than you are today.For many young earners who are just beginning their careers, lower income levels and tax brackets could make a Roth 401(k) a great choice.

You can make contributions to both kinds of 401(k) plan if your employer offers them. Consider speaking with a tax professional or a financial advisor when deciding between a traditional or a Roth 401(k), or dividing your contributions between both types.



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401(k) Contributions

You decide how much of your income to contribute to a 401(k) account every year, subject to IRS limits. When you start a new job, you elect to save a percentage of your annual salary, and you can adjust your contribution level up or down as often as the rules of the plan allow. You may halt contributions entirely at any time, for any reason.

Let’s say your bi-monthly paycheck is $2,000, and you chose to contribute 5% of your annual salary in the company’s traditional 401(k) plan. In this case, $100 would be subtracted from each paycheck and deposited in your account. Your taxable income would be $1,900 (assuming no other pre-tax deductions). If you opted for a Roth 401(k), the $100 would be taken out of each paycheck after taxes.

Depending on your employer’s plan, you may be automatically enrolled in a 401(k) plan at a set contribution rate when you start a job, unless you choose to opt-out of the plan. Alternatively, you may need to affirmatively choose whether to enroll in your employer’s 401(k) plan or opt-out.

Annual 401(k) Contribution Limits

For 2024, employees may contribute $23,000 to a 401(k) account. If you’re 50 or older, you can deposit an extra $7,500 in catch-up contributions, for a maximum contribution limit of $30,500.

These limits apply to all 401(k) contributions, even if you split them between pre-tax and Roth contributions, or you have two employers in a year and two separate 401(k) accounts.

2023 Limit 2024 Limit

Maximum Employee Contribution



Catch-Up Contributions for those 50 or Older



About a fifth of employers also allow non-Roth, after-tax 401(k) contributions. In this case, a combined employee and employer contribution limit applies. In other words, your employer’s contributions, combined with your pre-tax, Roth and after-tax contributions, can’t exceed the limit.

In 2024, the combined employer and employee 401(k) contribution limit is $69,000, or $76,500 for those 50 or older.

2023 Limit 2024 Limit

401(k) Employee & Employer Contributions



Total with Catch-Up Contributions for those 50 or Older



The contribution limits are updated annually, so it’s important to check in every year to see whether you can increase your contributions.

How Do Employer 401(k) Matching Contributions Work?

Some employers offer to match their employees’ 401(k) contributions, up to a certain percentage of their salary.

One common approach involves an employer matching employee contributions dollar-for-dollar up to a total amount equal to 3 percent of their salary. Another popular formula is a $0.50 employer match for every dollar an employee contributes, up to a total of 5 percent of their salary.

Continuing our example from above, consider the impact on your 401(k) savings of a dollar-for-dollar employer match, up to 3 percent of your salary. If you contribute 5 percent of your annual pay and receive $2,000 every pay period, with each paycheck you would be contributing $100 and your employer would contribute $60.

When starting a new job, find out whether your employer provides matching 401(k) contributions, and how much you need to contribute to maximize the match. If they do, you should at a minimum set your 401(k) contribution level to obtain the full match, otherwise you’re leaving free money on the table.

401(k) matching contributions and vesting

Some employers grant 401(k) matching contributions that vest over time. Under a vesting schedule, you gradually take ownership of your employer’s matching contributions over the course of several years. If you remain with the company for the entire vesting period, you are said to be “fully vested” in your 401(k) account.

Employers impose a vesting schedule to incentivize employees to remain with the company.

For example, imagine that 50% of your employer’s matching contributions vest after you’ve worked for the company for two years, and you become fully vested after three years. If you were to leave the company and take a new job after two years, you would pass up owning half of the matching contributions pledged by your employer.

Keep in mind, however, that you always maintain full ownership of contributions you have made to your 401(k). Vesting only involves the employer’s matching contributions.

Choosing Investments in Your 401(k)

You typically have multiple investment options in your 401(k) plan. The plan administrator provides participants with a selection of different mutual funds and index funds—and sometimes exchange-traded funds—to choose from.

You get to decide how much of your 401(k) balance to invest in different funds. You could opt to invest 70% of your balance in an equity index fund, 20% in a bond index fund and 10% in a money market mutual fund, for example.

Plans that automatically enroll workers almost always invest their contributions in a target-date fund. This type of mutual fund owns a mix of stocks and bonds, with the proportion determined by your current age and your “target date: for retirement. Generally, the younger you are, the higher the percentage of stocks. Even if you are automatically enrolled in a target-date fund, you are always free to change to a different type of investment.

Investing options available in 401(k) plans vary widely. You should consider consulting with a financial adviser to help you figure out the best investing strategy for you, based on your risk tolerance and long-term goals.

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How to Withdraw Funds from a 401(k)

Funds saved in a 401(k) are intended to provide you with income in retirement. IRS rules prevent you from withdrawing funds from a 401(k) without penalty until you reach age 59 ½.

With a few exceptions (see below), early withdrawals before this age are subject to a tax penalty of 10% of the amount withdrawn, plus a 20% mandatory income tax withholding of the amount withdrawn from a traditional 401(k).

After you turn 59 ½, you can choose to begin taking distributions from your account. You must begin withdrawing funds from your 401(k) at age 72, as required minimum distributions, commonly referred to as RMDs.

How do 401(k) RMDs work?

Holders of traditional 401(k)s are required to take RMDs. The amount of your RMDs is based on your age and the balance in your account.

As the name suggests, an RMD is a minimum—you can withdraw as much as you wish from the account each year, either in one lump sum or in a series of staggered withdrawals. As noted above, RMDs from a traditional 401(k) are included in your taxable income.

How to avoid 401(k) early withdrawal penalties

There are certain exceptions that allow you to take early withdrawals from your 401(k) and avoid the 10% early withdrawal tax penalty if you aren’t yet age 59 ½. Some of these include:

  • Medical expenses that exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income
  • Permanent disability
  • Certain military service
  • If you leave your employer at age 55 or older
  • A Qualified Domestic Retirement Order (QDRO) issued as part of a divorce or court-approved separation

Even if you can escape the additional 10% tax penalty, you still have to pay taxes on your withdrawal from a traditional 401(k). In the case of a distribution paid to an ex-spouse under a QDRO, the 401(k) owner owes no income tax and the recipient can defer taxes by rolling the distribution into an IRA.

401(k) Loans

Some 401(k) plans let you borrow against your savings, via a so-called 401(k) loan. It’s possible to borrow up to $50,000 or 50% of your vested balance, whichever is less. You generally have five years to repay your loan, and you’ll be charged interest and origination fees—although the interest goes back into your 401(k).

If you fail to pay back the loan after five years, the IRS considers it a distribution, subject to taxes and that 10 percent tax penalty. If you leave your job or lose your job, the plan sponsor may require the employee to repay the outstanding balance immediately and if you don’t, the sponsor will report it to the IRS as a distribution.

However, you have until October of the next year—the due date of your tax return with extensions—to deposit the loan balance in an IRA and avoid owing any immediate tax or penalty.

What Happens to Your 401(k) When You Change Jobs?

You have several options for your 401(k) balance when you change jobs. Avoid simply cashing out your savings—if you’re under 59½ years old, you’ll get hit with the 10% early withdrawal tax penalty, and if it’s a traditional 401(k) you’ll own income tax on the balance.

If you have less than $1,000 in your 401(k), the plan administrator is empowered to write you a check for the balance. This gives you 60 days to reinvest the money in an IRA or your new company’s 401(k) plan before you are subject to the additional 10% tax penalty and possible ordinary income tax.

If you have more than $1,000 but less than $5,000 in your 401(k), the administrator can open an IRA in your name and roll your balance over into it.

Leave Your 401(k) with Your Former Employer

Some 401(k) plans let you leave your money right where it is after you leave the company. However, as you move through your career, this means you will need to keep track of multiple 401(k) accounts. Some employers require you to withdraw or rollover your 401(k) within a set period of time after you’ve left your job.

Move Your 401(k) to Your New Employer’s Plan

In some cases you can roll your old 401(k) balance over into your new employer’s plan, although not all plans allow this. Find out from your new employer whether they accept a trustee-to-trustee transfer of funds and how to handle the move.

Make sure you understand the tax treatment of your 401(k) balances. Make sure that traditional 401(k) funds are rolled into a traditional 401(k) and Roth funds end up in a Roth account.

Roll Your 401(k) Balance into IRA

Another possibility is for you to roll the balance over into an IRA. When moving the money, make sure you initiate a trustee-to-trustee transfer rather than withdrawing the funds and then depositing them into a new IRA. Many IRA custodians allow you to open a new account and designate it as a rollover IRA so you don’t have to worry about contribution limits or taxes.

When rolling your 401(k) balance into an IRA, make sure you place traditional 401(k) funds in a traditional IRA, and Roth funds in a Roth IRA.

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401(k) FAQs

How is a 401(k) different from an IRA?

Both a 401(k) and an IRA are tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts. An IRA is available to anyone with earned income, whereas a 401(k) is only available from an employer.

401(k) plans have higher contribution limits than IRA, and employer matching contributions. In contrast, IRAs are established by individuals without employer involvement.

IRA accounts offer a much broader selection of investment assets than 401(k) accounts. Both types of retirement plans have required minimum distributions that begin starting at age 72, and both offer Roth versions that are free of RMDs.

How does a 401(k) work when you retire?

You have several options for your 401(k) account when you retire. Some employers allow retirees to leave their 401(k) funds in their existing plan. But most retirees choose to roll their 401(k) funds into an IRA, which offer a much wider range of investment options.

Another option is to convert the money in your 401(k) to an annuity, which provides a regular stream of income over a specified period or for life. Some 401(k) plans offer the option to convert a portion or all of your account balance into an annuity.

How much do I need in my 401K to retire?

The amount of money needed to retire varies widely depending on your lifestyle, retirement age and desired standard of living. Work with a financial advisor to determine your retirement age, duration and potential sources of income in order to work out how much you need in your 401(k) to retire.

What Is A 401(k)? How Does It Work? (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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